Wednesday, July 29, 2009

THIS is What YOU are a Part Of...

Hey folks!

As some of you know, I am gearing up for my daughter's birthday extravaganza, so the report on my 21 day challenge (which I am sooo excited to share) will be delayed a few days. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the following story from Shannon Lavenia about the events of our recent Summit conference in Hawaii. I have not been on the Wake Up call these last two days, so perhaps Tony has already shared what happened, but here it is in written form. Just remember, THIS is what YOU have chosen to be a part of--powerful minds changing lives in powerful ways. Could there possibly be a better place to be in the Universe than right here, right now...?

2 Days & 30 Wishes
a Summit Conference Recap by Shannon Lavenia, Top-Income Earner, LLI

I am always amazed at the power of forward thinking people and what it's like to truly live without limits.

Liberty League's Summit Conference is the pinnacle of realizing true power and potential. Never has it been demonstrated to such an amazing effect than at this Summit Conference. Starting with the 1,000+ people in attendance and the enthusiasm that catapulted the event from our opening banquet, the entire event was miraculous.

So, it's with tremendous honor and pride that I share this story with you...the story of the entrepreneurial spirit, a community that is bound by love and pure intention, and leadership that goes more than an extra mile to give everything they can to inspire, assist and lead.

Our event started with Shawn Achor, a Harvard professor who teaches the Psychology of Positive Energy. It's all about the perspective we have that enables us to see and recognize possibilities. People were vibrating when they walked out of the room and miracles began to happen.

On Tuesday, Erik Wahl took the stage. Erik is amazing. He actually paints while he speaks...his message? Follow your heart, live your passion and most of all have fun expressing who you are. The paintings were extraordinary, as it he. Back in the green room, I was getting my make-up done to go on stage. Tony Rush, our MC, Gene Braxton and Heather Braxton were back there with me and we were all giggling about which of the paintings we would love to have. We were watching Erik on the screen and were in awe at what he was capable of...of his story and his message. The painting of Bono was already given to James Maracha(sp?) of Australia, so we were talking about Einstein, Lady Liberty and Tiger Woods.

Heather, our event manager, came back and told me Erik would be giving LLI the paintings. "Really?" I exclaimed! "We should auction them for charity!". Tony, Gene and I immediately got on the phone with Shane. We were soooooo excited! "Yes!" He said, "and LLI will match the donation dollar-for-dollar!"

The buzz was out. We connected with the EMC and everyone was so ignited with excitement! It was going to take a lot of work to pull it off in two days, but we knew we could do it!

We chose Make-a-Wish of Hawaii as our charity, gave them a call and bought their president, Ryan Sakaguchi, a ticket to join us at our Gala. We weren't sure how much we would raise but we knew we could do at a minimum $15,000. So, that's what we told him and they were totally excited. Apparently donations have been down and there are lots of kids waiting for wishes. The EMC began sharing the word with everyone, letting them know that we could make a huge difference. Danny and Amaber Hawman whipped out their debit card to show me the Make-A-Wish logo on it...they were totally stoked and were on a mission to get the energy going and the donations flowing!

It was all falling into place. We would silent auction the 3 remaining paintings on Friday at our Elements Gala. Our final speaker, Kevin Carrell, shot the ball out of the ballpark. He put the energy into the mix and shared with us how we could realize our potential and live our dreams. The final ingredients were just added and we were all bouncing up and down with excitement and the implementation of everything we were learning.

As he was speaking, I realized I was living my dream. Being part of a Leadership Group that is so generous, loving and connected. Really good people who are honest, open and brilliant! Connected with a community that inspires me everyday and able to give that to people. And, even more so, having a leader who is as genuine and visionary as Shane Krider.

My wish came true and now we were about to make lots of wishes come true for some very deserving children!

We added a few more prizes to the mix: Mastermind Lunches with Shane on our World Tour in Barcelona, LA and the Gold Coast. As the Elements Gala began, we realized it was far beyond what any of us could have imagined.

There were Cirque performers dancing on strings and loops. The conference room had been transformed and was completely Magical. Everyone looked so amazing, dressed like the elements. Absolutely beautiful people were everywhere! We opened with a short 4 minute video from Make-A-Wish and Ryan Sakaguchi shared with me how unbelievably grateful he was for all we were doing. There wasn't a dry eye...we were all inspired!

And then, we announced one of the greatest demonstrations of everything LLI is about. James, who won the Bono painting, donated it to the auction to give wishes to the kids. He had been offered $25,000 for the painting, but he turned down the money and gave the painting to the cause. Selfless, loving, generous and truly living in prosperity.

Less than 24 hours ago, this was just an idea that was put into motion. The event staff worked miracles, the EMC led the charge and the community gave in a way that will forever touch lives. This was principles in action!

At 8:45 we closed bidding and the girls frantically began the tallying. At 9:10pm I took the stage with Shane Krider and we presented the check to Ryan. $179,034.00.

In 48 hours we raised almost $179K for Make-A-Wish Hawaii! Ryan shared with me that it takes $6500.00 to grant a wish, plus $2500 of matching corporate donations. Our community raised enough to grant 30 wishes!

A thought put in motion is a miracle. A thought is just a seedling, watered with enthusiasm, cultivated with love, it blossomed in to the most beautiful flower possible.

How effective is a Summit Conference? With all the energy, the education we got on fulfilling human potential and achieving the possible, and a collective group of 1,000+ visionaries, we took an idea and 48 hours later turned it into $179,034.00 and 30 wishes granted!

Thank you to the entire EMC for being people of absolute love and integrity. Thank you to the Liberty League community for being a stand for the Beyond Freedom principles on which we were demonstrate to the world the power of possibility and creativity. You are my family and I love you. Thank you to Shane and Michelle Krider, who never stop giving and who are the epitome of Personal Growth, Generosity and Leadership. Thank you for my wish come true!

How can I brighten your day?

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