Sunday, July 5, 2009


Are you up for the challenge?

Beginning Tuesday, July 7 (note correction to a previously published date), I am going to do something revolutionary--it's going to change the face of my business. Do you want to join me? It could change the face of yours, too.

Before I get into the details, let me give you a little background. To do so, I need to tell you a couple stories.

Story 1:

Seventeen days ago, my family and I embarked on a 21 day journey. Despite the fact that we use only green laundry detergent and other household cleaning products, despite trips to multiple doctors, and despite countless ointments and creams, my son suffers from chronic ezcema.

As a last ditch effort, I decided to super clean and super charge our diet by going on a 21 day "detox" (using for reference the plan described by Natalie Rose in her book Raw Food Life Force Energy).

His eczema hasn't gone away, but we have learned a LOT about eating, managing our time, staying focused & disciplined, and thinking outside the box. It has been remarkable.

Story 2:

A few weeks ago, I was talking to my friend and accountability partner, Aisza Wilde, and I admitted that I have NOT been playing full out in my business--that, in fact, even though I THOUGHT I was prospecting for two hours every day, I was dragging my feet and making excuses and probably only picking up the phone for about 45 minutes. And I hadn't picked up my Beyond Freedom in MONTHS.

It was Friday when Aisza and I were talking, and I made a commitment that for the next week, I would commit to playing FULL OUT. For one week, I would do everything I said I was going to do.

I blogged about that experience here--it was amazing. It was my best week in business--any business--ever.

Story 3:

Last Thursday, Aisza and I were again talking, and I admitted that I had not picked up the phone to prospect in nearly three weeks. Why? Excuses, excuses, excuses--summer, kids, whatever. Again I committed to playing FULL OUT for one week.

That second conversation helped me learn something powerful about myself--I am challenge driven. Of course, this is something I have always known--and it's one of the reasons that I have insisted on making this very simple business far more complicated than it needs to be. In fact, making my life complicated (just so that I can enjoy the challenge of figuring it out) has a great deal to do with what landed me in the hospital. (Aisza is fond of quoting Brent Payne to me. He said, "How would you live your life (or run your business) if you were willing to let it be easy?")

But it wasn't until just now that I realized that I could use this drive to my advantage in my business (OK, I know you're thinking, "duh," but sometimes it's difficult to see things in your own life).

So anyway, I love a challenge--and I have seen over and over in my life that it has a powerful effect on me (in addition to the above stories, I also successfully completed the 28-day marketing challenge (see, several 3-day fat flushes (see, and, of course, my triathlon).

So I have decided to take my commitment to Aisza (obviously, it's a commitment to myself, but Aisza is the one I spoke it out loud to) to the next level. I am not just going to play full out for one week--I am going to play FULL OUT FOR 21 DAYS, just like the detox.

During these 21 days (July 7-July 27), I will do the following:
  • Spend 1 hour on my Beyond Freedom each working day

  • Spend TWO SOLID HOURS calling/chatting with prospects each working day

  • Spend time every single day doing something FUN that makes me LAUGH
Based on my experience with past challenges, I am confident this will absolutely transform my business, and, if you, too, decide to take up this challenge, it can transform yours as well. to join me?


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