Wednesday, July 29, 2009

THIS is What YOU are a Part Of...

Hey folks!

As some of you know, I am gearing up for my daughter's birthday extravaganza, so the report on my 21 day challenge (which I am sooo excited to share) will be delayed a few days. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the following story from Shannon Lavenia about the events of our recent Summit conference in Hawaii. I have not been on the Wake Up call these last two days, so perhaps Tony has already shared what happened, but here it is in written form. Just remember, THIS is what YOU have chosen to be a part of--powerful minds changing lives in powerful ways. Could there possibly be a better place to be in the Universe than right here, right now...?

2 Days & 30 Wishes
a Summit Conference Recap by Shannon Lavenia, Top-Income Earner, LLI

I am always amazed at the power of forward thinking people and what it's like to truly live without limits.

Liberty League's Summit Conference is the pinnacle of realizing true power and potential. Never has it been demonstrated to such an amazing effect than at this Summit Conference. Starting with the 1,000+ people in attendance and the enthusiasm that catapulted the event from our opening banquet, the entire event was miraculous.

So, it's with tremendous honor and pride that I share this story with you...the story of the entrepreneurial spirit, a community that is bound by love and pure intention, and leadership that goes more than an extra mile to give everything they can to inspire, assist and lead.

Our event started with Shawn Achor, a Harvard professor who teaches the Psychology of Positive Energy. It's all about the perspective we have that enables us to see and recognize possibilities. People were vibrating when they walked out of the room and miracles began to happen.

On Tuesday, Erik Wahl took the stage. Erik is amazing. He actually paints while he speaks...his message? Follow your heart, live your passion and most of all have fun expressing who you are. The paintings were extraordinary, as it he. Back in the green room, I was getting my make-up done to go on stage. Tony Rush, our MC, Gene Braxton and Heather Braxton were back there with me and we were all giggling about which of the paintings we would love to have. We were watching Erik on the screen and were in awe at what he was capable of...of his story and his message. The painting of Bono was already given to James Maracha(sp?) of Australia, so we were talking about Einstein, Lady Liberty and Tiger Woods.

Heather, our event manager, came back and told me Erik would be giving LLI the paintings. "Really?" I exclaimed! "We should auction them for charity!". Tony, Gene and I immediately got on the phone with Shane. We were soooooo excited! "Yes!" He said, "and LLI will match the donation dollar-for-dollar!"

The buzz was out. We connected with the EMC and everyone was so ignited with excitement! It was going to take a lot of work to pull it off in two days, but we knew we could do it!

We chose Make-a-Wish of Hawaii as our charity, gave them a call and bought their president, Ryan Sakaguchi, a ticket to join us at our Gala. We weren't sure how much we would raise but we knew we could do at a minimum $15,000. So, that's what we told him and they were totally excited. Apparently donations have been down and there are lots of kids waiting for wishes. The EMC began sharing the word with everyone, letting them know that we could make a huge difference. Danny and Amaber Hawman whipped out their debit card to show me the Make-A-Wish logo on it...they were totally stoked and were on a mission to get the energy going and the donations flowing!

It was all falling into place. We would silent auction the 3 remaining paintings on Friday at our Elements Gala. Our final speaker, Kevin Carrell, shot the ball out of the ballpark. He put the energy into the mix and shared with us how we could realize our potential and live our dreams. The final ingredients were just added and we were all bouncing up and down with excitement and the implementation of everything we were learning.

As he was speaking, I realized I was living my dream. Being part of a Leadership Group that is so generous, loving and connected. Really good people who are honest, open and brilliant! Connected with a community that inspires me everyday and able to give that to people. And, even more so, having a leader who is as genuine and visionary as Shane Krider.

My wish came true and now we were about to make lots of wishes come true for some very deserving children!

We added a few more prizes to the mix: Mastermind Lunches with Shane on our World Tour in Barcelona, LA and the Gold Coast. As the Elements Gala began, we realized it was far beyond what any of us could have imagined.

There were Cirque performers dancing on strings and loops. The conference room had been transformed and was completely Magical. Everyone looked so amazing, dressed like the elements. Absolutely beautiful people were everywhere! We opened with a short 4 minute video from Make-A-Wish and Ryan Sakaguchi shared with me how unbelievably grateful he was for all we were doing. There wasn't a dry eye...we were all inspired!

And then, we announced one of the greatest demonstrations of everything LLI is about. James, who won the Bono painting, donated it to the auction to give wishes to the kids. He had been offered $25,000 for the painting, but he turned down the money and gave the painting to the cause. Selfless, loving, generous and truly living in prosperity.

Less than 24 hours ago, this was just an idea that was put into motion. The event staff worked miracles, the EMC led the charge and the community gave in a way that will forever touch lives. This was principles in action!

At 8:45 we closed bidding and the girls frantically began the tallying. At 9:10pm I took the stage with Shane Krider and we presented the check to Ryan. $179,034.00.

In 48 hours we raised almost $179K for Make-A-Wish Hawaii! Ryan shared with me that it takes $6500.00 to grant a wish, plus $2500 of matching corporate donations. Our community raised enough to grant 30 wishes!

A thought put in motion is a miracle. A thought is just a seedling, watered with enthusiasm, cultivated with love, it blossomed in to the most beautiful flower possible.

How effective is a Summit Conference? With all the energy, the education we got on fulfilling human potential and achieving the possible, and a collective group of 1,000+ visionaries, we took an idea and 48 hours later turned it into $179,034.00 and 30 wishes granted!

Thank you to the entire EMC for being people of absolute love and integrity. Thank you to the Liberty League community for being a stand for the Beyond Freedom principles on which we were demonstrate to the world the power of possibility and creativity. You are my family and I love you. Thank you to Shane and Michelle Krider, who never stop giving and who are the epitome of Personal Growth, Generosity and Leadership. Thank you for my wish come true!

How can I brighten your day?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Immerse Yourself--and give!

A message from my advisor, Habiba Miller...

Hey Team!

So for those of you who weren't sleeping in Hawaii...We got to hear Kevin and Melissa Knecht again on this morning's Wake Up Call (technical glitch, I suppose), and it was well worth hearing again!

So I invite you to IMMERSE YOURSELF into this community and into your success!

One powerful way to take a stand in that is to jump out on the live presentation calls and share your testimonial. A simple 20 to 30 second testimonial about the great reasons you're in LLI serves everyone on the call -- including you!

Live calls this week are at 1:00pm, 9:00pm and 10:00pm EST. (I believe the Aussie calls are live as well (4, 5, 6, and 7am EST), though the online call schedule is showing them as pre-recorded.) I have put a request into the corporate office to update the schedule to reflect which calls are live.

Make a commitment to be on as many calls as you can, especially this week, as so many people are in Hawaii and either sleeping or attending the conference sessions during those times. (You can dial in about 15 after the hour if you want to just be there for the testimonial part of the call.)

Step in, jump out, take a stand, and give to the power of what we're all about!

To your success!

Habiba Miller
Be–Do–Have Enterprises, LLC

How can I brighten your day?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hawaii Support

Well, it's almost here--Summit Conference Hawaii!

Having been to two Summit conferences, two Liberty conferences, and one Super Saturday, I can tell you there is nothing as powerful and life changing as getting together with other like-minded individuals and really delving into what makes us tick. The conferences have had a deep and profound impact on my life. (In fact, I'm in the Summit conference video on LLI's website--have you seen it?)

One of the things the conferences teach us is to be true to our dreams and follow our passions, and, as you know, I am doing just that by following my heart and performing in a production of Oliver! (and I got a great review, too! Click here to read it.). Unfortunately, this means I will not be in Hawaii.

The good news is that I will be available for help and support to keep your business rolling while so many people are gone.

I have added a quick link to a 3-way list here on our team page. Right now it includes contact information for people who will be available during the conference, which was provided by my advisor, Habiba Miller. Because it came from her, I do not know many people on the list--I have marked the ones that I do.

I will work on expanding this list; however, the best 3-way partners are the ones you know personally. And the best way to meet people is at events. The next event will be a Super Saturday in LA in August. Make plans now to be there.

You can also meet people on LibertyLeagueLife, (only available if you have purchased Beyond Freedom), and Facebook.

Let me know if you have any questions!

How can I brighten your day?

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Was I Thinking?

Several years ago I loved to watch a TV show called Arrested Development. It was about this crazy family with four grown children, only one of whom was sane. One of the brothers was always getting himself into trouble--overpromising or going gung-ho on something and having it turn out to be a disaster. His catch-phrase, the one he said everytime something like that happened was, "I think I made a big mistake."

Well, that's how I have felt this last week: I think I made a big mistake.

My greatest passion in life is musical theatre. I love it. I live it. I breathe it. All my life growing up, all I ever wanted to do was move to New York and be on Broadway.

Then, in high school, I started developing my limiting beliefs--I wasn't pretty enough or talented enough to make it in the big time. I didn't want to face a lifetime of rejection from audition after audition after audition.

So, I decided that I would live a regular life, be a mom, and do community theatre.

When I graduated from college, I got a job as a trainer for a medical software company, which required me to travel to hospitals around the country. I loved it, but I was never home long enough to be in a show, so eventually I went to my boss and told her I needed to step down.

I ended up with a different job in the same company--one that did not require travel--and my acting "career" began. I got some really incredible roles--won awards, received amazing reviews in the paper, and even met and married my husband. It was the time of my life.

Then came life--children, obligations...

When I found Liberty League, I hadn't set foot on stage in YEARS. But Beyond Freedom and the community helped me refocus on what truly matters in my life--what really brings me the deepest joy. So I started doing theatre again.

Right now, I have a featured role in Oliver! at McLean Community Players. You can read a little about our production (though I am not mentioned in it) here.

This has been a really amazing opportunity--my high school (the high school I specifically went to for their theatre program!) did it my freshman year, and I was NOT cast. So to be in the show now, over 20 years later, has really been "sweet revenge." Ha ha ha!

Anyway, we open tonight, which means that this week has been "tech week"--or, what is commonly referred to as "hell week." You see, the actors rehearse for a couple months, and the one week before we open we add all the other elements you see on stage--costumes, lights, sound/mics, set, props. Everything is thrown at us at once, and the crew needs to scurry to figure out when to turn the lights on and off, what set pieces to move where and when, what props need to be on which side of the stage, etc. It makes for VERY long rehearsals and a VERY stressful week. As I often repeated to my fellow castmates these last few days, "There is a reason we call it hell week."

So, I have to ask myself, what was I thinking when I decided to start my 21 day challenge NOW? As the brother in Arrested Development would say, "I think I made a big mistake."

Of course, truly, tech week is no excuse. After all, if I had a full time job, I would go in to work even if it was tech week--most of the cast does. But, as a stay and home mom with a home based business, I have the luxury to sleep in and feel sorry for myself. And, I'm embarrassed to admit, that's exactly what I have done.

So, team, I am here to report (with my tail between my legs) that I have done a big fat nothing for the first 4 days of the challenge.

I considered restarting the clock, but have decided not to--after all, if I fell off the wagon in the middle of the challenge, I could just keep going. So that's what I'm going to do now. Just keep going.

Monday is another day, another week, another chance.

Have a great weekend!

How can I brighten your day?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Are you up for the challenge?

Beginning Tuesday, July 7 (note correction to a previously published date), I am going to do something revolutionary--it's going to change the face of my business. Do you want to join me? It could change the face of yours, too.

Before I get into the details, let me give you a little background. To do so, I need to tell you a couple stories.

Story 1:

Seventeen days ago, my family and I embarked on a 21 day journey. Despite the fact that we use only green laundry detergent and other household cleaning products, despite trips to multiple doctors, and despite countless ointments and creams, my son suffers from chronic ezcema.

As a last ditch effort, I decided to super clean and super charge our diet by going on a 21 day "detox" (using for reference the plan described by Natalie Rose in her book Raw Food Life Force Energy).

His eczema hasn't gone away, but we have learned a LOT about eating, managing our time, staying focused & disciplined, and thinking outside the box. It has been remarkable.

Story 2:

A few weeks ago, I was talking to my friend and accountability partner, Aisza Wilde, and I admitted that I have NOT been playing full out in my business--that, in fact, even though I THOUGHT I was prospecting for two hours every day, I was dragging my feet and making excuses and probably only picking up the phone for about 45 minutes. And I hadn't picked up my Beyond Freedom in MONTHS.

It was Friday when Aisza and I were talking, and I made a commitment that for the next week, I would commit to playing FULL OUT. For one week, I would do everything I said I was going to do.

I blogged about that experience here--it was amazing. It was my best week in business--any business--ever.

Story 3:

Last Thursday, Aisza and I were again talking, and I admitted that I had not picked up the phone to prospect in nearly three weeks. Why? Excuses, excuses, excuses--summer, kids, whatever. Again I committed to playing FULL OUT for one week.

That second conversation helped me learn something powerful about myself--I am challenge driven. Of course, this is something I have always known--and it's one of the reasons that I have insisted on making this very simple business far more complicated than it needs to be. In fact, making my life complicated (just so that I can enjoy the challenge of figuring it out) has a great deal to do with what landed me in the hospital. (Aisza is fond of quoting Brent Payne to me. He said, "How would you live your life (or run your business) if you were willing to let it be easy?")

But it wasn't until just now that I realized that I could use this drive to my advantage in my business (OK, I know you're thinking, "duh," but sometimes it's difficult to see things in your own life).

So anyway, I love a challenge--and I have seen over and over in my life that it has a powerful effect on me (in addition to the above stories, I also successfully completed the 28-day marketing challenge (see, several 3-day fat flushes (see, and, of course, my triathlon).

So I have decided to take my commitment to Aisza (obviously, it's a commitment to myself, but Aisza is the one I spoke it out loud to) to the next level. I am not just going to play full out for one week--I am going to play FULL OUT FOR 21 DAYS, just like the detox.

During these 21 days (July 7-July 27), I will do the following:
  • Spend 1 hour on my Beyond Freedom each working day

  • Spend TWO SOLID HOURS calling/chatting with prospects each working day

  • Spend time every single day doing something FUN that makes me LAUGH
Based on my experience with past challenges, I am confident this will absolutely transform my business, and, if you, too, decide to take up this challenge, it can transform yours as well. to join me?


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Declaration of Independence

Happy Independence Day!!!!

On July 4, 1776, thirty-four brave men, representing the hopes and ideals of hundreds of thousands of American colonists, declared in writing that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States;...and that as Free and Independent States, they have full power to do all...things which Independent States may of right do."

For years the colonies had suffered at the hands of "the tyrant" King George--and so that they could not possibly be misunderstood, the writers of the Declaration even included a list of 27 individual and specifc offenses that had been repeatedly wrought against the colonies. They concluded the list by saying that "in every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people."

These men believed (and demonstated their belief) that ALL PEOPLE have a right to be free--that ALL PEOPLE HAVE A GOD-GIVEN RIGHT TO DETERMINE THEIR OWN DESTINY. They built this country to ensure that EVERYONE would have an EQUAL opportunity to create the life that they envision for themselves.

This holiday is a great time to reflect--Have we truly embraced what they have given us? Or have we succumbed to our own "tyrant"--some person or circumstance that is controlling us and preventing us from truly living the life that we desire? And if so, is that tyrant really fit to be the ruler of us?

The writers of the Declaration of Independence understood human nature and wrote that "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer...than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Let me say that again: Mankind are more disposed to SUFFER than to RIGHT THEMSELVES.

So which will it be? Will we continue to suffer? Or will we declare own independence and RIGHT what is WRONG in our lives and ABOLISH the forms (habits) to which we are accustomed?

I will leave that for you to ponder.

As always, please let me know how I can assist you.

And again, Happy Independence Day--and I mean that in EVERY sense of the word. :o)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Welcome to Our Team Website!

Designed to empower, inspire, encourage.

How can I brighten your day?