Wednesday, August 26, 2009


OK, so you've all received the email from corporate that the website will NOT be shutting down over the weekend as previously announced.

That means you have one extra day to place your conference ticket order.

Remember, you do not have to pay for your ticket in order to take advantage of this HUGE thing that is going to be announced this weekend.

Take 5 minutes to listen to this message from Rachel Oliver ( #1 Top Income Earner in 2008--she made more than a million U.S. dollars in her first 18 months in business) and TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW--you do NOT want to miss out on this!

How can I brighten your day?

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey team--

I just got off the phone with my advisor, Tony Rush, and I have a CRUCIAL announcement.

If you have been listening to the calls, you know there is something BIG stirring in Liberty League that is going to be revealed THIS WEEKEND on the World Tour. Shane, Tony, and all the EMC are busting at the seams and having a hard time sleeping.

Tony said tonight that he and Kevin Knecht talk to each other about this thing for about TWO HOURS every day. Why? Because they both want to talk about it, and due to a non-disclosure agreement, they can only talk about it with fellow EMC members!

Anyway, if you are at all serious about your business, you need to TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW--even if you don't plan to be at the event (I promised my husband I wouldn't travel this year, but I have to tell you, I was looking at airfares to LA this morning!).

Here's the deal:

DETAIL #1: As you may know, whatever this thing is, new associates who have already purchased their conference tickets are going to have a HUGE ADVANTAGE. You are going to have the opportunity to cash in on something that no one else will.

DETAIL #2: As you may also know, the order section of the Liberty League website is going to SHUT DOWN this Thursday, August 27 at midnight. It will re-open at 12:01am Tuesday morning, September 1.

DETAIL #3: What we just learned is this: You can qualify for whatever this awesome bonus is, JUST BY PLACING YOUR ORDER before midnight on Thursday--you don't have to actually pay for it. When you place an order, you have 10 days to send me your payment. If you don't, the order will just fall off the system--no harm no foul. However, if you are in the system, you will qualify for this new "thing" that's going to be announced AND, as many people (myself included) will attest, just placing your order sends a powerful message out into the Universe and often the money "appears" out of places you never thought of.

So, if I were in your shoes, I would place my order THIS MINUTE. Just go into your back office. You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

As Tony said: You've been warned.

How can I brighten your day?

Friday, August 14, 2009

One Decision Can Change Your Life

The power of one decision.

A Message from Shannon Lavenia

July 11, 2002 John and I made a DECISION.

We joined Liberty League.

The decision was profound...and quite a leap.

It forever changed the course of our life.

We then made another, even more powerful DECISION. We decided to WIN.

You see, in every game, there is the opportunity to WIN and the opportunity to LOSE.

It's all determined by the DECISION of how you choose to PLAY THE GAME.

In my observation, I've noticed that most people will do "just enough" to look like they are playing to win, while really they are playing NOT TO LOSE.

It's a very fine line...playing NOT TO LOSE versus PLAYING TO WIN.

When someone PLAYS TO WIN, they give it everything they've got...every ounce of effort, sweat, resources...they give it 110%...MORE THAN THEY REALIZED THEY EVEN HAD.

When playing NOT TO LOSE, a person will "go through the motions". They look like they are playing to win yet, they aren't. That's the most frustrating place to be.

The person who WINS practices more, gives more, does more.

It's a FACT.

When people ask me how I went from broke to Millionaire, the answer is simple, "I DID EVERYTHING I POSSIBLY COULD EVERYTIME I COULD."

This team of Liberty League is amazing, because everyone has the OPPORTUNITY to PLAY TO WIN. The PLAY BOOK is open for anyone to follow and the LEADERS are setting the pace.

Whether someone does or not is the DECISION.

So, can one DECISION change YOUR life?

You Betcha!

Here's the DECISION...will you be IN THE GAME for this SUPER SATURDAY or SUPER SUNDAY, or will you be sitting at home waiting to hear the play-by-play?

Because I'll tell you now...BEING IN THE GAME is the DECISION that WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

There is a reason ALL THE TOP EARNERS are at EVERY event.


Register Today. Leave the EXCUSES on the BENCH.

To Your Success,
Shannon Lavenia

PS: It's great to have YOU on the WINNING TEAM.

How can I brighten your day?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Believe in YOU!

A message from my advisor, Habiba Miller

Good morning, afternoon, or evening...

From my heart to yours... I TOTALLY BELIEVE IN YOU to create and live the life you REALLY want to be living!

And as Amy Allred so powerfully shared on the Wake Up Call today, with the example of her children -- I can speak that and cheer you on all the way, and it won't matter "a hill of beans" unless YOU believe in you!

So pay attention to your language and those subtle (or not so subtle) underlying feelings that indicate your true beliefs.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF? Do you believe in your ability to take this opportunity and use it as a vehicle to make your dreams come true? Are you being your own "guru" -- your own "cheerleader" from the heart?

You have everything you require within you to break free of whatever you perceive in your way of total freedom...


Then you apply that to your actions, and to the proven system we have in place, and magic happens -- because you are the magic!

So be clear about what you're here to create, continually reaffirm your commitment to yourself and to your business, and then do whatever it takes to break free and make it REAL!

From that place -- do the six daily activities the leaders do:
  • Be in gratitude -- for what you have and what is on its way!

  • Visualize your goals -- feel them as already achieved!

  • Do your personal development -- Beyond Freedom, etc.!

  • Mastermind with leaders -- be on the training calls, call your advisors, get to the events!

  • Be consistent with your income producing activities -- place ads, do the interviews, place qualified people on calls (preferably live), follow up with them, do a 3-way call, and collect the income!

  • And EXPECT leadership -- from yourself and others.

I do!

Habiba Miller
Be–Do–Have Enterprises, LLC

How can I brighten your day?